Marketing management strategies / O.C. Ferrell, Michael D. Hartline.
Material type:
- 9788131518632
- 658.8 FER
Part I: SETTING THE STAGE FOR MARKETING STRATEGY. 1. Marketing in Today's Economy. 2. Strategic Marketing Planning. 3. Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning. Part II: DISCOVERING MARKET OPPORTUNITIES. 4. Collecting and Analyzing Marketing Information. 5. Developing Competitive Advantage and Strategic Focus. Part III: DEVELOPING MARKET STRATEGY. 6. Customers, Segmentation, and Target Marketing. 7. Product Strategy. 8. Pricing Strategy. 9. Distribution and Supply Chain Management. 10. Integrated Marketing Communications. Part IV: PUTTING STRATEGY INTO ACTION. 11. Marketing Implementation and Control 12. Developing and Maintaining Long-Term Customer Relationships Part V: CASES. 1. Gillette: Product and Marketing Innovation. 2. Monsanto Balances the Needs and Concerns of Multiple Stakeholders. 3. NASCAR: A Branding Success. 4.The Indy Racing League (IRL): Driving for First Place. 5. Blockbuster Fights for Survival Against Intense Competition. 6. Sigma Marketing: Innovation in a Changing Environment. 7. Mattel: Overcoming Marketing and Manufacturing Challenges. 8. New Belgium Brewing (A): Social Responsibility as a Competitive Advantage. 9. New Belgium Brewing (B): Developing a Brand Personality. 10. IKEA Looks to Further Penetrate the U.S. Market. 11. USA Today: Innovation and Evolution in a Troubled Industry. 12. Hottie Hawg's Smokin' BBQ Embraces Its Future. 13. FedEx: Building a Global Distribution Powerhouse. 14. Mistine: Direct Selling in the Thai Cosmetics Market. 15. BP Focuses on Sustainability to Repair Its Reputation. 16. eHarmony (Harvard Case). 17. The Home Depot, Inc. (Harvard Case). 18. Molson Canada: Social Media Marketing (Ivey Case). 19. IMAX: Larger than Life (Ivey Case). 20. Best Buy (Ivey). Part VI: TOOLS FOR DEVELOPING A MARKETING PLAN. Appendix A: Marketing Plan Worksheets. Appendix B: Example Marketing Plan (VirPharm, Inc.).
Intends to teach students to think and act like marketers. This title offers a practical approach to analyze, plan, and implement marketing strategies - helping students learn to develop a customer-oriented market strategy and market plan.
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