Purple cow : Transform your business by being remarkable / Seth Godin.
Material type:
- 9780141016405
- 658.8 GOD
Not enough Ps --
The new P --
Boldfaced words and gutsy assertions --
before, during, and after --
The greatest thing since sliced bread --
Did you notice the revolution? --
Why you need the purple cow --
The death of the TV-industrial complex --
Before and after --
Consider the Beetle --
What works? --
Why the Wall Street Journal annoys me so much --
Awareness is not the point --
The will and the way --
Case study: going up? --
Case study: what should Tide do? --
Getting in --
Ideas that spread, win --
The big misunderstanding --
Who's listening? --
Cheating --
Who cares? --
Not all customers are the same --
The law of large numbers --
Case study: Chip Conley --
The problem with the cow --
Follow the leader --
Case study: the Aeron chair --
Projections, profits, and the purple cow --
Case study: the best baker in the world --
Mass marketers hate to measure --
Case study: Logitech --
Who wins in the world of the cow --
Case study: a new kind of kiwi --
The benefits of being the cow --
Case study: the Italian butcher --
Wall Street and the cow --
The opposite of "remarkable" --
The pearl in the bottle --
The parody paradox --
Seventy-two Pearl Jam albums --
Case study: Curad --
Sit there, don't just do something --
Case study: United States Postal Service --
In search of Otaku --
Case study: how Dutch Boy stirred up the paint business --
Case study: Krispy Kreme --
The process and the plan --
The power of a slogan --
Case study: the Häagen-Daz in Bronxville --
Sell what people are buying (and talking about!) --
The problem with compromise --
Case study: Motorola and Nokia --
The magic cycle of the cow --
What it means to be a marketer today --
Marketers no longer: now we're designers --
What does Howard know? --
Do you have to be outrageous to be remarkable? --
Case study: McDonald's France --
But what about the factory? --
The problem with cheap --
Case study: what should Hallmark.com do? --
When the cow looks for a job --
Case study: Tracey the publicist --
Case study: Robyn Waters gets it --
Case study: so popular, no one goes there anymore --
Is it about passion? --
True facts --
Brainstorms --
Salt is not boring, eight more ways to bring the cow to work --
Brand and company index --
What would Orwell say? --
About the author --
More information --
Drink a purple cow, for free!
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