Positioning: the battle for your mind/ Al Ries, Jack Trout
Material type:
- 9780070533752
- 659.1 RIE
includes index
1. what position is all about
2.the assault on the mind
3.getting into the mind
4.those little ladders in your head
5.you can't get there from here
6.positioning of a leader
7.positioning of a follower
8.repositioning the competition
9.the power of the name
10.the no name trap
11.the free ride trap
12.the line extension
13.when line extension can work
14.positioning a company monsanto
15.positioning a country belgium
16.positioning a product milk duds
17.positioning a service mailgram
18.positioninga long island bank
19.positioning the catholic church
20.positioning yourself & your career
21.six steps to success
22.playing the positioning game
...Ries and Trout taught me everything I know about branding, marketing, and product management. When I had the idea of creating a very large thematic community on the Web, I first thought of Positioning...."David Bohnett, Chairman and Founder of GeoCities"One of the most important communication books I've ever read. I recommend it highly!"Spencer Johnson, MD, co-author of The One Minute ManagerIt shook up the world of marketing with all the force of a 20-megaton bomb, and now, two decades later, Positioning is still as fresh and, perhaps, even more relevant, for advertisers in the New Economy. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the classic book that changed an industry, McGraw-Hill has reunited mavens of marketing Al Ries and Jack Trout to make available to another generation of advertisers the book that forever changed the way advertising is done.The 20th Anniversary Edition features commentary from the authors that offers fresh insight into why "positioning" a product in a prospective customer's mind is still the most important strategy in business. Ries and Trout look back over two decades of campaigns, offering penetrating analyses of some of the most phenomenal successes and unbelievable failures in advertising history.The first book to deal with the problems of communicating to a skeptical, over-communicated public, Positioning describes a revolutionary approach to creating a "position" in a prospective customer's mind that reflects a company's own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of its competitors. Writing in their trademark witty, fast-paced style, Ries and Trout explain how to position an industry leader so that it gets into people's minds and stays there, how to position a follower so that it can occupy a space not claimed by the leader, and how to avoid letting a second product ride on the coattails of an established one.
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