Sales management / Brian Tracy
Material type:
- 9789387383067
- 658.81 TRA
Includes index (p.119 - 123)
The role of the sales manager
Build a great sales team
Selecting champions
Start them off right
Manage by sales objectives
The psychology of sales success
Practice the performance formula
Improve your leadership style
Reward sales performance
Develop winning salespeople
Plan sales activities
Satisfy salespeople's basic needs
The 80/20 rule in sales management
Use the canei method
Brainstorming for sales improvements
Discipline salespeople effectively
Let your poor performers go
Lead by example
The control valve on performance
Four keys to building salespeople
Courage, the vital quality of success
The job of the sales manager is to recruit, manage, and motivate a top team of high-performing sales professionals. This book shows you how to do it. World-renowned sales expert Brian Tracy has spent decades studying what sets the most successful sales managers and professionals apart from the rest--and now in this pocket-sized guide, he distills these simple but powerful strategies.
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