HBR's 10 must reads on managing people / Harvard Business Review
Material type:
- 9781422158012
- 658.3 HAR
1. Leadership That Gets Results Daniel Goleman 2. One More Time: How Do You Motivate Employees? Frederick Herzberg 3. The Set-Up-to-Fail Syndrome Manzoni, Jean-Francois and Barsoux, Jean-Louis 4. Saving Your Rookie Managers from Themselves Walker, Carol A. 5. What Great Managers Do Buckingham, Marcus 6. Fair Process: Managing in the Knowledge Economy Kim, W. Chan and Mauborgne, Renee 7. Teaching Smart People How to Learn Argyris, Chris 8. How (Un)ethical Are You? Banaji, Mahzarin R.; Bazerman, Max H.; and Chugh, Dolly 9. The Discipline of Teams Katzenbach, Jon R. and Smith, Douglas K. 10. Managing Your Boss John J. Gabarro and John P. Kotter
Managing people is fraught with challenges- even if you are a seasoned manager. Here's how to handle them. If you read nothing else on managing people, read these articles. We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you maximize your employee's performance. This book will inspire you to: tailor your management styles to fit your people; motivate with more responsibility, not more money; support first-time managers; build trust by soliciting input; teach smart people how to learn from failure; build high-performing teams; and manage your boss.
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