TY - BOOK AU - Engler, Barbara. TI - Personality theories: an introduction SN - 9789355732255 U1 - 155.2 PY - 2023/// CY - Delhi PB - Cengage KW - Personality N1 - include Bibliographical references and index; Introduction: Evaluating Personality Theories Your Goals For This Chapter What Is Personality? What Is a Theory? The Role of Personality Theory in Psychology The Evaluation of Personality Theory Philosophical Assumptions Basic Philosophical Assumptions Distinguishing Philosophical Assumptions from Scientific Statements Criteria for Evaluating Philosophical Assumptions Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Your Own Philosophical Assumptions Scientific Statements The Philosophical Basis of Science Recognizing Scientific Statements Some Basic Scientific Constructs Criteria for Evaluating Scientific Statements The Art of Personality Theories Assessment Thinking Critically: Evaluating Personality Theories Research Psychotherapy The Challenges of Evaluation Summary Personal Experiences pt. I THE PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH ch. 2 Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud. Contents note continued: Your Goals For This Chapter Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Biographical Background The Origins of Psychoanalysis The Discovery of Unconscious Forces The Psychoanalytic Method of Assessment and Research Thinking Critically: Free Association The Dynamics and Development of Personality The Importance of Sexuality The Psychosexual Stages of Development Thinking Critically: Memories: True or False? The Effects of the Psychosexual Stages The Structure of Personality The Id, Ego, and Superego The Relationship of the Id, Ego, and Superego to Consciousness The Ego's Defense Mechanisms Psychoanalysis Transference Thinking Critically: Identifying Defense Mechanisms The Analytic Process Empirical Validation of Psychoanalytic Concepts Twentieth Century Efforts Thinking Critically: Freud on Women and Women on Freud Neuropsychoanalytic Research Philosophy, Science, and Art: Freud's Theory. Contents note continued: Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Freud Summary Personal Experiences pt. II THE NEOPSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACH ch. 3 Analytical Psychology: Carl Jung Your Goals For This Chapter Carl Jung (1875-1961) Biographical Background The Nature and Structure of Personality Psychic Energy The Ego The Personal Unconscious and Its Complexes The Collective Unconscious Thinking Critically: Archetypes in Cultural Forms Psychological Types Self-Realization Synchronicity Individuation and Transcendence Jungian Psychotherapy Assessment and Research in Jung's Theory Philosophy, Science, and Art: Jung's Theory Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Jung Summary Personal Experiences ch. 4 Interpsychic Theories: Alfred Adler, Harry Stack Sullivan Your Goals For This Chapter Alfred Adler (1870-1937) Biographical Background Basic Concepts Thinking Critically: Birth Order and Personality. Contents note continued: Adlerian Psychotherapy Assessment and Research in Adler's Theory Thinking Critically: A License to Parent? Philosophy, Science, and Art: Adler's Theory Harry Stack Sullivan (1892-1949) Biographical Background Basic Concepts Psychotherapy, Assessment, and Research Thinking Critically: Prototaxic, Parataxic, and Syntaxic Experience Philosophy, Science, and Art: Sullivan's Theory Family Therapy Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Adler and Sullivan Summary Personal Experiences ch. 5 Psychoanalytic Social Psychology: Karen Horney, Erich Fromm Your Goals For This Chapter Karen Homey (1885-1952) Biographical Background Basic Anxiety Neurotic Needs or Trends The Idealized Self Thinking Critically: Neurotic Needs, Modes, and Orientations Feminine Psychology Assessment and Research in Horney's Theory Attachment and Parenting Research Philosophy, Science, and Art: Horney's Theory. Contents note continued: Erich Fromm (1900-1980) Biographical Background Basic Human Conditions and Needs Character Orientations Assessment and Research in Fromm's Theory Thinking Critically: Terrorism Philosophy, Science, and Art: Fromm's Theory Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Horney and Fromm Summary Personal Experiences pt. III MORE RECENT TRENDS IN PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY ch. 6 Ego Analytic Psychology: Anna Freud, Erik Erikson, Dan McAdams Your Goals For This Chapter Anna Freud (1895-1982) Biographical Background Erik Erikson (1902-1994) Biographical Background An Enhanced Understanding of the Ego The Psychosocial Stages of Development Assessment and Research in Erikson's Theory Thinking Critically: The Life Cycle Empirical Research in Erikson's Theory Philosophy, Science, and Art: Erikson's Theory Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Erikson Dan McAdams (1954- ) Biographical Background. Contents note continued: Thinking Critically: Generativity: How Do You Measure Up? Thinking Critically: Your Life Story Summary Personal Experiences ch. 7 Human Relations: Object Relations Theory, Relational-Cultural Theory Your Goals For This Chapter Object Relations Theory Melanie Klein (1882-1960) Margaret Mahler (1897-1985) Heinz Kohut (1913-1981) Otto Kernberg (1928- ) Nancy Chodorow (1944- ) Thinking Critically: Families Today Relational-Cultural Theory Shifting the Paradigm Psychotherapy Thinking Critically: Disconnections and Connections Other Applications The Neurobiological Basis of Relationships Thinking Critically: Serial Testimony Philosophy, Science, and Art: Human Relations Theories Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Human Relations Theories Summary Personal Experiences pt. IV BEHAVIOR AND LEARNING THEORIES. Contents note continued: ch. 8 Experimental Analysis Of Behavior: John Dollard and Neal Miller, B.F. Skinner Your Goals For This Chapter The Experimental Analysis of Behavior John Dollard (1900-1980) and Neal Miller (1909-2002) Biographical Background Habits, Drives, and the Learning Process Frustration and Conflict Thinking Critically: Personal Conflicts The Integration of Learning Theory and Psychoanalysis Psychotherapy Philosophy, Science, and Art: Dollard and Miller's Theory B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) Biographical Background A Theory of Personality Without Personality The Development of Behavior Through Learning Schedules and Types of Reinforcement Thinking Critically: Classical and Operant Conditioning in Your Life Psychotherapy and Behavioral Change Social Utopias Philosophy, Science, and Art: Skinner's Theory Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Dollard and Miller and Skinner Conclusions Summary. Contents note continued: Personal Experiences ch. 9 Social Learning Theories: Albert Bandura, Julian Rotter, Walter Mischel Your Goals For This Chapter Albert Bandura (1925- ) Biographical Background An Agentic Perspective Triadic Reciprocal Causation Learning Through Observation Aggression, Inhumane Behavior, and Moral Disengagement Self-Efficacy Thinking Critically: Moral Disengagement and Reprehensible Conduct Psychotherapy and Behavior Modification Thinking Critically: Developing Self-Regulation Philosophy, Science, and Art: Bandura's Theory Julian Rotter (1916- ) Internal Versus External Control of Reinforcement Predicting Behavior Walter Mischel (1930- ) Behavior Specificity A Cognitive-Affective Personality System A Biological Basis for Self-Regulation and Delay of Gratification Thinking Critically: Behavioral Signatures Conclusions Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Bandura, Rotter, and Mischel. Contents note continued: Summary Personal Experiences pt. V DISPOSITIONAL AND BIOLOGICAL BASIS OF PERSONALITY ch. 10 Traits And Personology: Gordon Allport, Henry Murray Your Goals For This Chapter Gordon Allport (1897-1967) Biographical Background The Nature of Personality Traits Thinking Critically: Central Dispositions The Proprium Functional Autonomy A Definition of Maturity Assessment and Research in Allport's Theory Philosophy, Science, and Art: Allport's Theory Henry Murray (1893-1988) Biographical Background The Study of Personology Human Needs Thinking Critically: Evaluating Needs Assessment and Research in Murray's Theory Thinking Critically: The Thematic Apperception Test Philosophy, Science, and Art: Murray's Theory Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Allport and Murray Conclusions Summary Personal Experiences. Contents note continued: ch. 11 Factor Analytic, Genetic And Evolutionary Theories: Raymond Cattell, The Big Five Personality Traits, Genetic and Evolutionary Developments Your Goals For This Chapter Raymond Cattell (1905-1998) Biographical Background Cattell's Definition of Personality Surface Traits Versus Source Traits Assessment and Research in Cattell's Theory The Big Five Personality Traits The Study of Language The Study of Personality Questionnaires and Ratings Differences Between the Big Five and the Five-Factor Model Five-Factor Theory Applications of the Big Five and the Five-Factor Model and Theory Implications for Diagnosis of Dysfunctional Behavior Thinking Critically: How Abnormal Is Abnormal? Genetics and Evolutionary Developments The Genetic Influence on Traits Applications of Genetic Research Evolutionary Psychology Theory. Contents note continued: Thinking Critically: Using a Genogram to Chart Personality Traits in Your Family Tree Philosophy, Science, and Art: Factor Analytic Trait Theories Thinking Critically: Should We Selectively Breed Humans? Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Cattell and the Big Five Theorists Summary Personal Experiences ch. 12 Biological Traits: Hans Eysenck Your Goals For This Chapter Hans Eysenck (1916-1997) Biographical Background Historical Predecessors Constructing a Model of Personality The Identification of Superfactors The Hierarchical Model of Personality Comparisons with Cattell and the Big Five The Measurement of Traits Looking for Causal Agents of Behavior Eysenck's Hypothetical Causal Explanations Thinking Critically: The Lemon Test New Research on Brain Functioning The Biological Basis of Behavior and Neurosis Intelligence Applications of Eysenck's Theory Education. Contents note continued: Thinking Critically: Study Places Creativity Personality, Biology, and Genetics Psychotherapy Thinking Critically: Measuring the Efficacy of Psychotherapy Philosophy, Science, and Art: Eysenck's Theory Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Eysenck's Theory Summary Personal Experiences pt. VI HUMANISTIC AND EXISTENTIAL THEORIES ch. 13 Humanism: Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers Your Goals For This Chapter Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) Biographical Background Human Motivation: A Hierarchical Theory The Study of Self-Actualized Persons Thinking Critically: Who's Among the Self-Actualized? Philosophy, Science, and Art: Maslow's Theory Carl Rogers (1902-1987) Biographical Background Rogers's Theory of Personality Psychotherapy Thinking Critically: Friendlier Arguments: Using Reflection to Resolve Conflicts Changes in Rogers's View of Therapy Assessment and Research in Rogers's Theory. Contents note continued: Philosophy, Science, and Art: Rogers's Theory Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Maslow and Rogers Positive Psychology Transpersonal Psychology Thinking Critically: War and Our Comfort Level Thinking Critically: Should Psychologists Study Spirituality? Summary Personal Experiences ch. 14 Existential Psychoanalysis: Rollo May Your Goals For This Chapter Rollo May (1909-1994) Biographical Background The Existential Attitude Our Predicament Powerlessness Anxiety The Loss of Values Rediscovering Selfhood Thinking Critically: Is Privacy an Obsolete Value? Ontological Assumptions Concerning the Person Rediscovering Feelings Four Stages of Consciousness of Self The Goals of Integration The Daimonic Power Love and Sex Intentionality Freedom and Destiny Courage and Creativity A Cry for Myth Thinking Critically: Cultural Myths and the Media Psychotherapy. Contents note continued: Assessment and Research in May's Theory Philosophy, Science, and Art: May's Theory Philosophical Assumptions: Examining May Social Media Summary Personal Experiences pt. VII COGNITIVE THEORIES ch. 15 Personal CONSTRUCTS: George Kelly Your Goals For This Chapter George Kelly (1905-1967) Biographical Background The Person as Scientist Constructive Alternativism Thinking Critically: How We Behave as Scientists Fundamental Postulate and Corollaries The Reconstruction of Old Concepts Assessment and Research in Kelly's Theory Psychotherapy Thinking Critically: Assessing Personal Constructs: The Rep Test Thinking Critically: Role-Playing Philosophy, Science, and Art: Kelly's Theory Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Kelly Summary Personal Experiences ch. 16 Cognitive-Behavioral Theories: Albert Ellis, Aaron Beck, Arnold Lazarus Your Goals For This Chapter Albert Ellis (1913-2007). Contents note continued: Biographical Background Philosophical Origins The Theory of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) Rational Emotive Behavior Psychotherapy Thinking Critically: A Self-Help Form Aaron Beck (1921- ) Biographical Background Philosophical Origins The Theory Behind Cognitive Therapy Thinking Critically: Automatic Thoughts Diary Cognitive Psychotherapy Assessment and Research in Beck's Theory Arnold Lazarus (1932- ) Biographical Background The Development of a Theory and the BASIC-ID Theory of Personality Multimodal Therapy Thinking Critically: Using the BASIC-ID Technical Eclecticism Philosophy, Science, and Art: Cognitive Behavioral Therapies and Theories Philosophical Assumptions: Examining Ellis, Beck, and Lazarus Mindfulness Summary Personal Experiences pt. VIII A NON-WESTERN APPROACH ch. 17 Zen Buddhism Your Goals For This Chapter The Introduction of Zen to the West. Contents note continued: The Origins of Zen The Teachings of the Buddha Dependent Origination The Three Characteristics of Existence Vasubandhu and the Eight Consciousnesses Bodhidharma and the Transmission of Zen to China The Practice of Zen Thinking Critically: Meditation Five Approaches to Zen Practice Enlightenment Eastern Thought and Psychotherapy Thinking Critically: Mindfulness and the Search for a Higher Synthesis Philosophy, Science, and Art: Eastern Theories Summary Personal Experiences CONCLUSION/PERSONALITY THEORY IN PERSPECTIVE Your Goals For This Chapter Philosophy, Science, and Art: Personality Theories Philosophical Issues The Challenge of Contemporary Personality Theorizing Summary ER -