Retailing : environment and operations / Andrew J Newman, Peter Cullen.
Material type:
- 9788131501634
- 8131501639
- 658.85 NEW.R
Includes Bibliographical reference and Index.
PART 1: MANAGING THE RETAILING ENVIRONMENT.1. Introduction: The Retail Environment.2. Structural Change in Retailing: The Retailing in Historical Perspective.3. The Retailing Industry: Retailing Structures.4. Managing in Good Times and Bad: Dealing with Booms and Slumps.PART 2: RETAIL MARKETING - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT.5. Strategic Marketing Planning for Retailing: Setting up the Business.6. The Customer and the Retail Business: Knowing your Customers.7. The Fundamentals of Merchandising.8. Establishing a Pricing Strategy: Getting the Price Right.9. Promoting the Store: Sending Out the Correct Sort of Messages.10. Locating the Store: Locating in the Retail Environment.PART 3: RETAIL MARKETING - OPERATIONS.11. Store Design and Layout: Producing the Right Format.12. Managing the Service Setting: Making the Sale.13. Managing Retail Services: Creating Quality Retail Services.PART 4: DELIVERING THE PRODUCT.14. Business Operations: Inside the Retail Organisation.15. Logistics and Distribution: Shipping the Goods to Market.16. Rolling Out the Goods: Developing New Relationships.17. Buying the Goods: The Product Development Process.18. People in Retailing: Making People Matter.PART 5: THE FUTURE HAPPENING NOW: PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE.19. Out-of-Store Retailing: Buy By Wire.20. International Retailing: Going Global: Whats In It For Us?
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