Executive Coaching : practices & perspectives / edited by Catherine Fitzgerald, Jennifer Garvey Berger.
Material type:
- 8179921050
- 658.3
Executive coaching perspectives. A coach's lessons learned : principles and guidelines for practitioners / David Coleman --
Leadership and complexity of mind : the role of executive coaching / Jennifer Garvey Berger, Catherine Fitzgerald --
The coach as reflective practitioner : notes from a journey without end / Grady McGonagill --
Executive coaching practices. Understanding and supporting development of executives at midlife / Catherine Fitzgerald --
Breaking the boundaries : leveraging the personal in executive coaching / Kathryn Williams [and others] --
Coaching senior executives for effective business leadership : the use of adult development theory as a basis for transformative change / Robert G. Goodman --
Managing executive coaching in organizations. Initiating executive coaching in your organization / Susan Ennis --
Executive coaching and business strategy / Mary Jane Knudson --
Using executive coaching in organizations : what can go wrong (and how to prevent it) / William H. Hodgetts --
Coaching from the inside : when, why, and how? / Casey Strumpf --
Executive coaching issues. On seeing the forest while among the trees : integrating business strategy models and concepts into executive coaching practice / Catherine Fitzgerald --
Love and fear in executive coaching / Sally Carr --
Failure and negative outcomes : the taboo topic in executive coaching / Richard R. Kilburg --
Special coaching situations. The isolated executive : how executive coaching can help / Gae Walters --
Coaching entrepreneurs / Barry Dym, R. Stephen Jenks, Michael Sonduck --
Coaching across countries and cultures / Karen L. Otazo.
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