International business / Oded Shenkar, Yadong Luo and Tailan Chi.
Material type:
- 9780367466732
- 9780367472375
- 685.049 SHE
Revised edition of International business, 2014.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. International Business in an Age of Globalization
Part I: Concepts and Theories in International Business
2. International Trade Theory and Application
3. Foreign Direct Investment Theory and Application
4. The Multinational Enterprise
Part II: Endowments and Environments of International Business
5. Country Competitiveness
6. The Cultural Environment
7. The Political and Legal Environment
Part III: Global Markets and Institutions
8. International Economic Integration and Institutions
9. The International Monetary System and Financial Markets
Part IV: International Business Strategies
10. International Entry Strategies
11. MNE organization structure and design
12. Building and Managing Global Strategic Alliances (GSAs)
13. Managing Global Research and Development (R&D)
Part V: Functional International Business Areas
14. Financial Management for Global Operations
15. International Accounting for Global Operations
16. Global Marketing and Supply Chain
17. Global Human Resource Management
Part VI: Emerging Issues in International Business
18. Digital Connectivity and Global Strategies
19. Global Sustainability and Social Responsibility
20. International Entrepreneurship
This fully revised and updated fourth edition of International Business offers an action-focused, practical approach to the topic, helping students understand the global business environment and its repercussions for executives. The book provides thorough coverage, delving into fundamental concepts and theory; the cultural, political, and economic environment; international business strategies; and even functional management areas. More comprehensive than competing books, this new edition of International Business includes: New chapter on the digitalization of the global economy and its implications for firm strategy and organizations New examinations of the forces of de-globalization, implications of rising trade protectionism, challenges of geopolitical conflicts, and a friction framework for understanding the effects of cultural differences Enriched and expanded discussions about potential reconfigurations of global value chains following the Covid-19 pandemic, changing perspectives on the role of the government with renewed attention to industrial policy, shifts in regional integration with the emergence of such new trade blocks as CPTPP and RCEP, and fresh insights on factors influencing a country's balance of payments Strengthened, expanded global cases, examples, and "industry" and "country" mini-cases that give students practical insight into the ways companies actually behave within a competitive, global environment. Also featuring a companion website with a test bank, PowerPoint slides, and instructor's manual, this book is ideal for students and instructors of any international business course at undergraduate or postgraduate level
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