Principles of marketing / Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong.
Material type:
- 9789332558472
- 658.8 KOT
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Marketing : creating and capturing customer value -- Company and marketing strategy : partnering to build customer relationships -- Analyzing the marketing environment -- Managing marketing information to gain customer insights -- Consumer markets and consumer buyer behavior -- Business markets and business buyer behavior -- Customer-driven marketing strategy : creating value for target customers -- Products, services, and brands : building customer value -- New-product development and product life-cycle strategies -- Pricing products : understanding and capturing customer value -- Pricing strategies -- Marketing channels : delivering customer value -- Retailing and wholesaling -- Communicating customer value : integrated marketing communication strategy -- Advertising and public relations -- Personal selling and sales promotion -- Direct and online marketing : building direct customer relationships -- Creating competitive advantage -- The global marketplace -- Sustainable marketing.
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