The Routledge companion to corporate social responsibility / edited by Thomas Maak (et al...)
Material type:
- 9780367715694
- 658.408 THE
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Corporate social responsibility (CSR): Bringing society back in Thomas Maak and Nicola M. Pless Part 1: History and theory of CSR 2. Corporate social responsibility: A chronicle and review of concept development and refinements Archie B. Carroll and Jill A. Brown 3. Evolution of the business and society field: From a functionalist to a supra-functionalist orientation Elisabet Garriga 4. CSR discovery leadership: A multilevel framework in historical context Diane L. Swanson 5. A theory of business Thomas Donaldson and James P. Walsh Part 2: Normative foundations of CSR 6. CSR and corporate character Geoff Moore 7. CSR and virtue ethics: The common good of firms, markets, and civil society Germán Scalzo, Javier Pinto-Garay, and Kleio Akrivou 8. Spirituality and CSR Josep M. Lozano 9. Catholic social teaching on the social responsibility of business Domènec Melé 10. Ontological foundations of managerial responsibility Michael Pirson Part 3: Political CSR and institutional perspectives 11. Transnational power and translocal governance: The politics of corporate responsibility Subhabrata Bobby Banerjee 12. Global governance: CSR and the role of the UN Global Compact Christian Voegtlin and Nicola M. Pless 13. From explanation to outcome: The use of institutional theory in corporate responsibility research Sébastien Mena, Valeria Cavotta, and Alessandro Niccolò Tirapani 14. Strategic CSR: A new definition and new frontiers Debbie Haski-Leventhal 15. Mind the gap: Shell’s political CSR agenda and challenges in Nigeria Esther Hennchen Part 4: CSR, stakeholding and partnering 16. A new approach to CSR: Company stakeholder responsibility R. Edward Freeman and S. Ramakrishna Velamuri 17. Inclusive business: A private sector approach to poverty alleviation in developing economies Sally Curtis and Andrew Bradly 18. In pursuit of dignity and social justice: Changing lives through 100 percent inclusion—An example of responsible leadership and sustainable rural development Nicola M. Pless and Jenny Appel 19. Transparency and accountability in natural resource governance: A case study of oil and gas in Ghana Katinka C. van Cranenburgh and Josep F. Mària Part 5: CSR and the global value chain 20. Integrated management: Operations at the crossroads of innovation, sustainability, and the built environment Robert Sroufe and Kevin Dole 21. Modern slavery in supply chains Vikram Bhakoo and Kanika Meshram 22. Sustainable supply chain management: Why have we missed out on animal welfare? Frank Wiengarten and Christian F. Durach Part 6: CSR and social innovation 23. Corporate social innovation: The next stage of CSR Philip Mirvis and Bradley Googins 24. Social entrepreneurship in Japan Keiko Yokoyama 25. Challenges and opportunities in using social media to promote corporate social responsibility Itziar Castello Part 7: Critical CSR and future directions 26. Toward future directions for critical CSR: Beyond framing CSR as strategic, political, or utopian Laura J. Spence and Scott Taylor 27. Travelled roads and novel vistas: Taking stock of empirical studies into tensions in business sustainability Lutz Preuss, Jonatan Pinkse, Tobias Hahn, and Frank Figge 28. Are B Corps really the answer? Addressing the market vs. social logic problem through a regenerative system of good dividends Steve Kempston
"While the concept and domain of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not new - its beginnings can be tracked back to the 1960s - its scope, urgency, and relevance have shifted dramatically in recent years. CEO responses show that the majority of business leaders understand that they operate in an environment of contested values and that stakeholders expect companies to do better and more. However, many corporate incentive systems are not in sync with societal norms and expectations. Moreover, "grand challenges" such as climate change and global pandemics and growing interconnectedness shed light on the fault lines of value creation through complex supply chain systems, exposing unacceptable working conditions, modern slavery, and the environmental consequences of highly distributed production at any cost. As a consequence, corporate social responsibility has become a widely accepted common denominator of the role and responsibilities of business in society, ranging from core functions such as health, safety, and environment standards, to governance and recognition of stakeholders, supply chain design, and corporations' stand on climate change and its responsibility to future generations. This volume assembles state of the art-scholarship from leading scholars in the field and enables a 'full range-view' of CSR, from its roots, normative foundations and institutional perspectives to matters of stakeholding, the global value chain, social innovation and future directions. The Routledge Companion to Corporate Social Responsibility represents a prestige reference work providing an overview of the subject area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for academics, researchers, postgraduate students, as well as reflective practitioners"--
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