Investment analysis & portfolio management / Frank K. Reilly, Keith C. Brown, Sanford J. Leeds.
Material type:
- 9789353506384
- Investment analysis and portfolio management
- 332.6 REI
Includes bibliographical references (pages 750-761) and index.
1. The Investment Setting.
2. Asset Allocation and Security Selection.
3. Organization and Functioning of Securities Markets.
4. Security Market Indexes and Index Funds.
5. Efficient Capital Markets, Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis.
6. Introduction to Portfolio Management.
7. Asset Pricing Models.
8. Introduction to Financial Statement and Security Analysis.
9. Stock Market and Industry Analysis.
10. Company Analysis.
11. Equity Portfolio Management Strategies.
12. Bond Fundamentals and Valuation.
13. Bond Analysis and Portfolio Management Strategies.
14. Introduction to Derivative Markets and Securities.
15. Forward, Futures and Swap Contracts.
16. Option Contracts and Other Embedded Derivatives.
17. Active Portfolio Management, Alternative Assets and Industry Ethics.
18. Evaluation of Portfolio Performance.
Learn to manage your money to maximize your earning potential with Reilly/Brown/Leeds' INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT, 11th Edition. Extremely reader friendly in a succinct 18 chapters, this text equips you with a solid understanding of investment instruments, capital markets, behavioral finance, hedge funds, international investing and much more. Real-world examples and hands-on applications bring chapter concepts to life as you learn to use the same tools as investment professionals. The 11th edition's unparalleled international coverage provides specific information on non-U.S. markets, instruments, conventions and techniques. New detailed discussions explain the impact of changes in both technology and regulations on global security markets. In addition, three chapters are devoted to derivatives securities--which are now standard investment instruments.
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