The emotionally intelligent leader / Daniel Goleman.
Material type:
- 9781633697331
- 658.4092 GOL
Includes index.
Leadership that gets results -- What makes a leader? -- The focused leader.
"Bestselling author Daniel Goleman first brought the concept of emotional intelligence (EI) to the forefront of business through his articles in Harvard Business Review, establishing EI as an indispensable trait for leaders. The Emotionally Intelligent Leader brings together three of Goleman's bestselling HBR articles, each showing the direct ties between emotional intelligence and measurable business results. In "What Makes a Leader," Goleman shares his research that found that truly effective leaders are distinguished by a high degree of emotional intelligence. Without it, a person can have first-class training, an incisive mind, and an endless supply of good ideas, but he or she still won't be a great leader. In "Leadership That Gets Results," Goleman draws on research involving more than three thousand executives to outline six distinct leadership styles, each one springing from different components of emotional intelligence. In "The Focused Leader," Goleman explains why focus is crucial to great leadership. Focused leaders are in touch with their feelings, can control their impulses, are aware of how others see them, and can weed out distractions and allow their minds to roam widely, free of preconceptions"--
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