7 rules of power : surprising, but true, advice on how to get things done and advance your career / Jeffrey Pfeffer
Material type:
- 9781800751262
- 650.1 PFE
In the beginning: The challenge of power
Introduction: Power, getting things done, and career success
Rule 1: Get out of your own way
Rule 2: Break the rules
Rule 3: Appear powerful
Rule 4: Build a powerful brand
Rule 5: Network relentlessly
Rule 6: Use your power
Rule 7: Success excuses (almost) everything: Why this is the most important rule of all
Coda: Staying on the path to power
Is power the last dirty secret or the secret to success? Both. While power carries some negative connotations, power is a tool that can be used for good or evil. Don't blame the tool for how some people used it. Rooted firmly in social science research, Pfeffer's 7 rules provide a manual for increasing your ability to get things done, including increasing the positive effects of your job performance. With 7 Rules of Power, you'll learn, through both numerous examples as well as research evidence, how to accomplish change in your organization, your life, the lives of others, and the world
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