Strategic operations management/ Steve Brown; John Bessant; Fu Jia
Material type:
- 9781138566132
- 658.5 BRO
Chapter 1: Introduction to operations management
Chapter 2: Strategic operations management
Chapter 3: Managing service operations
Chapter 4: Innovation
Chapter 5: Supply management
Chapter 6: Managing inventory, MRP, ERP, and JIT
Chapter 7: Managing the transformation process
Chapter 8: Human resources and strategic operations managment
Chapter 9: Doing it better: managing and improving quality
Chapter 10: Capacity and scheduling management
Chapter 11: Sustainability
Chapter 12: The future of operations management
"This new edition pays equal attention to manufacturing and service sectors. It includes numerous references to, and discusses, major changes taking place in the business world, including 3-D printing; virtual organizations; Cloud-Big Data and the Internet of Things; servitization, global markets, ongoing innovation and managing within complex supply networks. Cases are included from a range of settings across the globe"-- Provided by publisher
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