The SAGE handbook of tourism management : theories, concepts and disciplinary approaches to tourism / edited by Chris Cooper,; Serena Volo,; William C. Gartner,; Noel Scott
Material type:
- 9781526461131
- 338.4791 SAG
"SAGE reference."
An introduction to the handbook / Chris Cooper, William C. Gartner, Noel Scott and Serena Volo
Researching tourism. Qualitative research and tourism studies / Gayle R. Jennings
Quantitative research approaches to tourism / Josef A. Mazanec
Social analysis. Economic geographies of tourism : a critical and contested discourse / Keith Debbage
Tourism histories / Kevin James
Key milestones and changing directions in the sociology of tourism / Scott A. Cohen and Erik Cohen
Psychology of tourism / Philip L. Pearce
Anthropology of tourism / Tim Wallace and Valene L. Smith
Tourism ethics / Valerie Sheppard and David Fennell
Network analysis : quantitative methods in tourism / Rodolfo Baggio
Economic analysis. Economics of tourism / Larry Dwyer
Tourism data sources : from official statistics to big data / Serena Volo
Analysing and forecasting tourism demand / Anyu Liu, Vera Shanshan Lin and Haiyan Song
Tourism supply side analysis / Tadayuki Hara, Sachiyo Asahi and Morihiko Kinjo
Small business and entrepreneurship research in tourism : a review and comment / Rhodri Thomas and Neil Ormerod
Tourism human resources / Adele Ladkin
Service management and tourism / David Solnet and Maria Golubovskaya
Technological analysis. Tourism and surface transport / Bruce Prideaux
Aviation and tourism / Bojana Spasojevic and Gui Lohmann
The digital economy of tourism / Miha Bratec
Tourism and knowledge management / Lisa Ruhanen
Business model innovation in tourism : opportunities and challenges / Anne-Mette Hjalager and Einar Lier Madsen
Environmental analysis. The tourism-environment relationship / Andrew Holden
Sustainability and resilience : two sides of the same coin? / R.W. Butler
Climate change and tourism : mitigation and global climate agreements / Debbie Hopkins and James Higham
Tourism and biodiversity / Stefan Gössling
Researching the nexus of protected natural area tourism management : milestones and future directions / Michael Hughes, Dave Newsome and Kate Rodger
Tourism, energy, oil and water / Jonathon Day and Natalie Chin
Political analysis. Tourism institutions and agencies / Haywantee Ramkissoon and Dean Hristov
Tourism policy / John Jenkins
Tourism governance / Lindemberg Medeiros de Araujo and Noel Scott
Tourism planning : evolution and trends for the future / Carlos Costa and Filipa Brandão
Foreign direct investment and tourism development : a theoretical and empirical review / Robin Nunkoo and Boopen Seetanah
Globalization, supranationalism and tourism / Dallen J. Timothy
The SAGE Handbook of Tourism Management is a critical, state of the art review of tourism management written by leading international thinkers and academics in the field. Volume One focuses on theory, before Volume Two explores the application of theory
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