Troll proof branding in the age of doppelgangers / Gaurav Sood.
Material type:
- 9789354793530
- 658.827 SOO
"Blurb Fake news, Hacktivism, Internet trolls and Culture jamming are rampant pop culture phenomena in the age of consumerism. Clever strategies such as emotional and cultural branding can only help your brand go as far as one little slip from grace. In the blink of an eye, your brand's image can be tarnished by its monstrous doppelganger. Tweets by angry fans along with memes about your brand can become your worst nightmare. Troll Proof Branding in the Age of Doppelgangers captures the evolution of the brand alter-ego also known as brand doppelganger image created by consumers, anti-brand activists, competitors, opinion leaders, media and the public. It aids you in developing strategies to counter the impact of your brand doppelgangers. Arm yourself with strategies that promote brand positivity to fight trollers and hacktivists. A very insightful book on how to manage and counterbalance a new challenge to world class brands. -Professor Jagdish N. Sheth, Charles H. Kellstadt Professor of Business, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, Atlanta, USA Branding has never been more fun to read! -Gagan Sood, CEO, GE Power Conversion Americas, New York, USA Gaurav Sood is Professor of Marketing at Amity University, Noida"--
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