Retail management : a strategic approach / Barry Berman, Joel R. Evans, Patral Chatterjee, and Ritu Srivastava
Material type:
- 9789332587694
- 658.85 BER
An overview of strategic retail management
An introduction to retailing
Building and sustaining relationships in retailing
Strategic planning in retailing
Situation analysis
Retail institutions by ownership
Retail institutions by store-based strategy mix
Web, nonstore-based, and other forms of nontraditional retailing
Targeting customers and gathering information
Identifying and understanding consumers
Information gathering and processing in retailing
Choosing a store location
Trading-area analysis
Site selection
Managing a retail business
Retail organization and human resource management
Operations management: financial dimensions
Operations management: operational dimensions
Merchandise management and pricing
Developing merchandise plans
Implementing merchandise plans
Financial merchandise management
Pricing in retailing
Communicating with the customer
Establishing and maintaining a retail image
Promotional strategy
Putting it all together
Integrating and controlling the retail strategy
Appendix: careers in retailing
Name index
Subject index
Etail Management: A Strategic Approach is built on the fundamental principle that retailers have to plan for and adapt to a complex, changing environment. Without a pre-defined and well-integrated strategy, retailers may flounder and be unable to cope with the environment that surrounds them. This text helps readers become good retail planners and decision makers. The 13th Edition incorporates updated data that reflects the current world economic climate, extensive coverage of omnichannel retailing, and many new vignettes, questions, and cases, so that students can thrive in today's retailing industry
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