HR analytics: practical approach using Python / Bharti Motwani
Material type:
- 9789354240027
- 658.3002 MOT
Section I HR Data Exploration, Extraction, and Visualization
Chapter 1 HR Analytics and Python
Chapter 2 Employee Data Exploration Using Core Modules and Libraries
Chapter 3 Employee Data Visualization and Dashboards Using Core Libraries
Chapter 4 Employee Data Extraction Using SQL
Section II HR Analytics Using Basic Statistical Techniques
Chapter 5 Design Compensation and Benefit Plan Using Conjoint Analysis
Chapter 6 Forecast HR Cost Using Time Series Modeling (ARIMA)
Chapter 7 Manpower Planning Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Markov Chain
Chapter 8 Evaluate Training and Development Programs Using Compare Means
Section III HR Analytics Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
Chapter 9 Identify Association of Employee Job Satisfaction Using Association Rule
Chapter 10 Determine Factors of Performance Appraisal System Using Dimension Reduction Algorithms
Chapter 11 Assess Employee Absenteeism Using Clustering Techniques
Section IV HR Analytics Using Supervised Machine Learning
Chapter 12 Predict Employee Salary/Pay Rate Using Supervised Machine Learning Regression Techniques
Chapter 13 Predict Employee Attrition Using Supervised Machine Learning Classification Techniques
Chapter 14 Predict Employee Promotion Using Neural Network Model
Section V HR Analytics for Text and Image Data
Chapter 15 Review Resume Using Text Mining
Chapter 16 Evaluate Employee Reviews Using Sentiment Analysis
Chapter 17 Automate HR Help Desk Using Chatbots
Chapter 18 Employee Recruitment and Selection Using Recommendation System
Chapter 19 Measure Employee Happiness Using Image Data Processing
HR Analytics: Practical Approach Using Python will enable readers gain sufficient knowledge and experience to perform analysis of data related to different processes executed in the HR department. Different tools and techniques available in Python for gaining an insight related to numeric, text and image data of current and prospective employees have been discussed in the book. In order to provide a more meaningful and easier learning experience, this book has been written with more interesting and relevant real-life examples.
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