Better business relationships : insights from psychology and management for working in a digital world / Kim Tasso.
Material type:
- 9781472957009 (ePUB)
- 9781472957023 (ePDF)
- 9781472957030 ( eXML)
- 650.13 TAS
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Difference - understanding yourself and others -- Introduction : difference is good : perception and authenticity -- Emotional intelligence and empathy : managing emotions in yourself and others -- Know yourself and adapt to others : nlp, cognitive styles, personality, gender, generation and culture -- Relationship styles and team roles -- Adaptation : learning how to change -- Why change is important but difficult : attitudes, habits, comfort zones -- How to learn effectively : learning process and learning styles -- Changing yourself and others ? the change process, goal setting, models of human behaviour, change management , reframing -- Managing stress, mindfulness and building resilience -- Communication fundamentals -- Face-to-face communication -- Non-verbal communication and telephone communication -- Formal and informal communications, etiquette and storytelling -- Public speaking and presenting -- Written communication ? emails, blogs and reports -- Influence and persuasion -- Relationship formation and conflict management -- Relationship competencies and formation -- Types of relationship -- Why relationships go wrong -- Creating rapport and trust -- Conflict and dealing with difficult behaviour -- Achieving win:win and negotiating styles -- The negotiating process -- Internal relationships -- Adapting to workplace cultures and internal politics -- Assertiveness -- Bullies, control freaks and stubbornness -- Buy in and consensus -- Working as part of a team and finding a mentor -- Team roles and how teams form -- Managing teams, virtual teams and giving feedback -- Developing and coaching people -- Delegation and supervision -- Motivation and leadership -- External relationships & selling -- Working with customers and clients : expectations and satisfaction management -- Establishing new relationships : self-esteem and self-confidence, first impressions and personal power -- Building your contact base : networking, targeting, messaging and social media selling -- Selling yourself and your ideas : sales processes, decision making and cognitive bias -- Selling skills ? questions, active listening, persuasion, closing, objections and trusted adviser -- First meetings -- Pitching and tenders -- Key account management -- Generating recommendations and referrals.
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