Global journal of emerging market economies.

Global journal of emerging market economies. - Thousand Oaks, CA : Sage Publications, 2009- - 1 online resource - 3 times a year - Began with: Vol. 1, issue 1 (2009).

"The Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies (TNF), a refereed journal, promoted by the Emerging Markets Forum, will publish original empirical as well as research papers, policy papers and book reviews and essays related to the field of emerging global economies. It will be positioned as the most reputable and creditable journal on global emerging markets that will cover the following broad areas: Financial Integration, Trade Facilitation, Cross-border Trade and Investment, Regional Integration, Financial Sector Challenges, Investments, Productivity and Competitiveness, Public-Private Partnerships etc."


Investments, Foreign--Periodicals.
Economic development--Periodicals.
Economic development.
Economic history.
Investments, Foreign.
Politics and government.
Social conditions.

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